Nicolas Sanchez L.

Home / Projects / Tourists Trilogy (Video Series)

Tourists Trilogy (Video Series)

[2013] A Trilogy of short films about Tourists being tourists in breathtaking landscapes. Each one as a threnodie -from the Greek threnos (wailing) and oide (ode)- , as a series of laments at the same time as elegies, that in the shape of evocative images tell us the story of a journey, an exodus, maybe an escape or an end.

  1. Tourists (Threnody I)

    2013, HD Video, color, sound, 05' 39"

  2. Tourists (Threnody II)

    2013, HD Video, color, sound, 05' 39"

  3. Tourists (Threnody III)

    2013, HD Video, color, sound, 05' 39"

  4. Tourists Trilogy (Threnody I+II+III)

    2013, HD Video, color, sound, 16' 11"