Nicolas Sanchez L.

Home / Projects / Studies on the twilight (Golden Birds)

Studies on the twilight (Golden Birds)

[2016] Quillagua was a fertile oasis along the Loa river, in the middle of the driest desert of the world, the Atacama. An indigenous settlement in the middle of the famous route that used to connect the Inca empire, with farmlands of corn, quinoa and alfalfa, grazing fields for alpacas and llamas, and big shrimp farms along the river. Forests of native trees like algarrobos, chañares and tamarugos, with hundreds of peucos, tucúqueres, cernícalos, loicas, chincoles, chercanes among other golden birds that used to nest between their branches.

  1. Golden Birds

    2016 HD Video, Color, Sound, 5’ 29”

  2. Golden Birds Still

  3. Golden Birds Still

  4. Golden Birds Still